Saturday, August 15, 2009

The Independence Day...

Hi Friends....This is the first post m posting on this blog...

I have never done it before, so here I m quite afraid......

So today 15th august the BIG day in our country, our whole country is celebrating its 62nd anniversary of independence. It was really a BIG day 40-50 years before and at that time people were excited about the day and they knew the value of the day coz they have seen how they got this most valuable freedom, they have seen the freedom fighter's, they have seen the color of blood. And now in today's world where there is revolution in each and every field, we have changed the meaning of Independence Day. We are happy not because it is Independence Day but because it will be a holiday. Just one day before we buy the flags, but we don't know the meaning of the flag, we don't know what should be the procedure for making up and down the flag. At this day by proud we'll say I love my India, proud to be an Indian and next day we'll throw the flags out, within a day that flag which was proud of our cubicle will be converted in crap. Our leader's will give a long speech but they won't be knowing the meaning of that and definitely that would be in ENGLISH, that English to which we learn to salute from our childhood.

Once if we think, so are we really free?? Do we really deserve freedom?? Are we really caring for what we got?? If we all got freedom then why corruption is ruling the India, why unemployment is ruling the world, why we are depending on world banks while in the whole world India is having most millionaire’s. WHY????? Again India is in wrong hands but the only difference is this time those hands are Indian. Is it the real India of which our freedom fighter had Dream's.

India need a revolution again to get out of the wrong hands, for not to be dependent on other's. India need young minds again. Just think, we are from India and India is by us. One golden day will come and where nothing will be there to rule, each one will be happy, every one will be the hero of India’s freedom. And then we'll celebrate the real INDEPENDENCE DAY each day. JAGO BHARAT JAGO....



  1. Being free ...the greatest dream of everyone including senseless animals.It will be great day in the history of india .if you r saying corruption , it is india but it deeply rooted everywhere.moreover it is our resposibility to take india to its greatest height. being born in India is not just enough we must fight to resuce its freedom. then we will proud to say that we are indians.jai hind.

  2. welcome to the cosmos of bloggers.
